Saturday, 27 August 2011

Spider-Sense Is Tingling

My eldest boy is nearly four years old, and, unsurprisingly, he’s a huge Super-Hero fan. His particular favourites are Batman, Captain Marvel, Captain America and Spider-Man. Even at three years old his first question when he sees me reading a Captain America comic is “Is that a Jack Curvy”.

As knowledgable as he is (and he certainly knows a great many obscure DC characters from watching the brilliant Batman: The Brave & The Bold cartoon) he doesn’t quite get it right all the time.

For example, he has his own curious and charming version of the Spider-Man theme tune lyrics.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
He Can Do What A Spider Can
He Can Climb Walls
He Can Spin Webs…..

And That’s All That He Can Do.

I need to re-educate him in regard to Spider-Sense.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Why No Posts?

What the devil have I been up to? Really, no posts for ages and very little in the way of an excuse.

So, why no posts?

Well, the next main review was going to be (and probably still will be) Jack Kirby & Stan Lee’s run on Thor, roughly about 100 issues. However, before delving head long into all those comics, I felt like doing a little bit of disposable reading first. Remembering of course, that I have a new baby, so I don’t have quite as much time on my hands as I did have a few months back.

So my light reading was Grant Morrison’s run on X-Men. Why on earth do I do it to myself. I really do want to enjoy Morrison’s work and I’m always keen to give it a go, but more often than not, it ends up being a total miss for me. I honestly can’t articulate why I don’t enjoy Morrison’s comics, the guy fascinates me, but the majority of his work leaves me cold. (I even gave my copy of Sebastian O. away. Me, giving comics away, it’s positively unheard of.) Anyway, I don’t want to put anyone off reading it, but they didn’t work for me.

So I gave up on those books after reading way more than was good for me, but I was still in the X-Mood, so I started reading Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men. Which I did finish, but don’t have anything to say about. Take from that what you will.

During this time I’m also scrabbling about for hours on end trying to get copies of the Sherlock Holmes newspaper strip reprints that Malibu/Eternity put out in the late 80’s (I finally got a set, and they are on their way as we speak, more about them in a later post.) AND on top of all that hit and miss messing about, I became totally addicted to Twin Peaks, so I watched every episode of that beautiful, mysterious and hilarious series.

So, hopefully, I’ve gotten all of that out of my system, which means I can get back to some serious reading of classic strips. (Well, almost. I did start the Topps comics literary heroes books from the early 90’s, which is basically Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster & Zorro, but I’m trying to put those on hold so that I can reacquaint with Stan & Jack.)

I usually have a one track mind when it comes to comics, but for some unknown reason, the last few weeks have been very bitty in terms of what I’m reading. No explanations. No excuses. No idea why. I’ll get back to you with a Silver Age Thor post in the not too distant future.

It’s been emotional.

Mad Thinker Reads…………….
Any Old Crap That Comes His Way at the moment.